Recorded distribution
To 30 cm tall, leaves pale yellowish green, stiffly upright, 25-50 x 5-10 mm.
Medium sized 8-20 x 5-6 cm. Sepals and petals stout, short, tips almost flat. Lateral sepals straight crossing dorsal close to the tip. Labellum dark, tip constricted, scarcely twisted, stigma heart shaped.
October - January.
Lowland to montane peaty wetlands, bog loving. Waikato to Ruahines and upper West Coast of South island..
Usually scattered plants; At Risk. Waikato, Central North Island and Upper west Coast of South Island.
Shows affinities to P. montana but is smaller, paler and more chunky and is usually confined to wet areas.
Key features
Plant of wetlands. Small, pale yellowish plants, stout in leaf and flower, stigma heart-shaped.