With thick orbicular-cordate leaves 10-15 x 10mm. Flowers appearing and maturing before the leaf is fully developed.
Dorsal sepal hood domed green or maroon streaked, slightly exceeding the labellum, translucent green. Lateral sepals to 15mm, upright. Labellum midlobe margins entire above, becoming ragged across the base towards the central acute apiculus. Maroon, centre pale green striped.
May - July depending on latitude and rainfall.
Open forest an scrub, beech forest and dunes. Distribution uncertain
Localised in large colonies in suitable habitat. Not threatened.
Tiny flowers appear several months before others in the Corybas trilobus group. several entities may be included. Structurally they appear to be tiny, early flowering C. trilobus or C. vitreus. Voucher specimen (CHR518304; “pygmy”)
Key features
Very early flowering, flowers open as the leaves develop.